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Our Programs

Psych Care Uganda is achieving more with our initiatives than ever before, and we are very proud of the progress we continue to make. Below are some of our most recent projects. Learn more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to create a lasting impact.


Capacity Building and Life skills training

Empowering Others

At Psych Care Uganda, we recognize the importance of equipping adolescents with the skills and abilities they need to navigate life's challenges and seize opportunities. Our Capacity Building and Life Skills Project is designed to empower young individuals with essential life skills, fostering personal growth, resilience, and a strong foundation for future success.

Project Objectives:

  1. Skills Development:

    Provide adolescents with a comprehensive range of life skills, including communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and emotional intelligence.

  2. Personal Growth:

    Promote self-awareness, confidence, and self-esteem, enabling adolescents to develop a positive self-image and a strong sense of identity.

  3. Resilience Building:

    Equip adolescents with the tools to manage stress, overcome setbacks, and bounce back from challenges.

  4. Leadership and Teamwork: 

    Cultivate leadership abilities and teamwork skills that enable adolescents to collaborate effectively and lead with integrity.

  5. Empowerment:

    Encourage adolescents to take ownership of their growth, learning, and personal development journey.

Program Components:

  1. Life Skills Workshops: Offer interactive workshops that cover a wide range of life skills, tailored to address the specific needs and challenges faced by adolescents.

  2. Personal Development Sessions: Provide sessions on self-awareness, self-esteem, and goal-setting to empower adolescents with a strong sense of purpose.

  3. Resilience Training: Teach coping strategies, stress management techniques, and emotional regulation skills to enhance adolescents' resilience.

  4. Leadership and Team-building Activities: Engage adolescents in activities that foster leadership qualities, teamwork, and effective communication.

  5. Peer Mentoring: Establish a peer mentoring program where older adolescents mentor and guide their younger peers in developing life skills.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Enhanced life skills that enable adolescents to navigate challenges and make informed decisions.

  • Improved personal growth and self-esteem, contributing to a positive self-image.

  • Greater resilience, empowering adolescents to overcome setbacks and adversities.

  • Cultivation of leadership and teamwork abilities for successful collaboration in various contexts.

  • Empowered adolescents who take an active role in their personal growth and development.

Why It Matters:Adolescence is a crucial period for acquiring foundational life skills that will shape an individual's future. Our Capacity Building and Life Skills Project aims to provide adolescents with practical tools to confidently face the complexities of adulthood, make responsible choices, and contribute positively to their communities.

At Psych Care Uganda, we believe that by investing in the personal and skill development of adolescents, we are investing in the creation of well-rounded, empowered individuals who can make a lasting impact.


    Mental health support

    Empowering minds for well-being

    Welcome to Psych Care Uganda's Mental Health Project, a dedicated initiative aimed at promoting optimal mental well-being among adolescents in Uganda. We understand that mental health is a cornerstone of overall well-being, and our project is designed to provide awareness, support, and resources to empower young individuals in their journey towards emotional wellness.

    Project Objectives:

    1. Awareness and Education:

      Increase awareness about mental health among adolescents, parents, educators, and the community at large.

    2. Stigma Reduction:

      Combat the stigma associated with mental health issues by fostering open dialogue and understanding.

    3. Support Services:

      Provide confidential and accessible counseling, peer support groups, and resources for adolescents in need.

    4. Resilience Building:

      Equip adolescents with coping skills, stress management techniques, and emotional resilience tools.

    5. Stakeholder Empowerment:

      Educate parents and educators on recognizing signs of mental health challenges and providing appropriate support.

    Program Components:

    1. Educational Workshops: Engage schools and communities in workshops that educate adolescents about mental health importance, and how to maintain emotional well-being.

    2. Peer Support Groups: Create safe spaces for adolescents to connect with peers who share similar challenges, fostering mutual understanding and support.

    3. Counseling Services: Offer confidential one-on-one counseling sessions with trained mental health professionals to address individual needs.

    4. Stigma-Busting Campaigns: Utilize various mediums, including social media, posters, and community events, to reduce stigma and promote open conversations.

    5. Teacher and Parent Training: Provide workshops that enable teachers and parents to identify signs of mental health issues and offer appropriate support.

    6. Crisis Intervention: Establish a helpline or online chat service to provide immediate support and referrals for adolescents in crisis.

    Expected Outcomes:

    • Heightened awareness and understanding of mental health among adolescents and their communities.

    • Reduced stigma surrounding mental health, creating an environment where seeking help is encouraged.

    • Improved emotional resilience and coping skills among adolescents, leading to better mental health outcomes.

    • Accessible counseling services for adolescents in need, contributing to their emotional well-being.

    • Empowered parents and educators equipped with the tools to provide support and guidance.

    Why It Matters:Adolescence is a vulnerable period for mental health challenges, and providing the necessary support during this phase is crucial. Our Mental Health Project strives to create an environment where adolescents can openly discuss their mental well-being, seek help without judgment, and acquire the skills needed to lead emotionally healthy lives.

    At Psych Care Uganda, we are dedicated to fostering a society that values mental health and provides the resources needed for young individuals to thrive emotionally.


          Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.

          Empowering adolescents with Sexual reproductive health and Rights

          Welcome to Psych Care Uganda's SRHR Project, a dedicated effort to empower adolescents with accurate information, comprehensive support, and advocacy for their sexual and reproductive health and rights. We understand the significance of SRHR in ensuring the well-being and future success of young individuals in Uganda.

          Project Objectives:

          1. Education and Awareness:

            Provide adolescents with accurate and age-appropriate information about sexual health, relationships, contraception, and reproductive rights.

          2. Youth-Friendly Services:

            Establish safe and confidential spaces offering a range of SRHR services, including counseling, contraceptives, STI testing, and safe abortion information.

          3. Advocacy for Change:

            Advocate for comprehensive SRHR education in schools, policy reforms to protect adolescents' rights, and increased access to youth-friendly SRHR services.

          4. Gender Equity:

            Promote gender equality and empower adolescents to make informed, respectful decisions about their sexual and reproductive health.

          Program Components:

          1. Educational Workshops: Engage adolescents through workshops covering sexual health, relationships, consent, reproductive rights, and responsible behaviors.

          2. Youth-Friendly Clinics: Create clinics offering confidential SRHR services, ensuring adolescents have access to comprehensive care that respects their rights.

          3. Advocacy Campaigns: Organize campaigns to raise awareness about SRHR education, challenge harmful practices, and advocate for policy changes protecting adolescents' rights.

          4. Peer Educators: Train and empower adolescents to serve as peer educators, disseminating accurate SRHR information within their communities.

          5. Parent-Child Communication: Facilitate workshops to improve communication between parents and adolescents about sexual health, relationships, and rights.

          Expected Outcomes:

          • Adolescents are equipped with accurate knowledge to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health.

          • Reduced stigma surrounding SRHR topics, fostering a more open and supportive environment for adolescents.

          • Improved access to confidential SRHR services, leading to healthier sexual behaviors and informed choices.

          • Policy changes that protect adolescents' SRHR and rights are influenced by advocacy efforts.

          • Empowered adolescents who understand their rights and make respectful, informed decisions.

          Why It Matters:Adolescents deserve to navigate their sexual and reproductive journey with accurate information and support. Our SRHR Project aims to provide adolescents with the resources they need to make informed choices, fostering a society that respects their rights and empowers them to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

          At Psych Care Uganda, we believe that when adolescents are informed and empowered in their SRHR, they can contribute positively to their communities and shape a brighter future.



          Career Guidance


          Welcome to Psych Care Uganda's Career Guidance Project, an initiative designed to equip adolescents with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities needed to make informed career decisions and chart successful paths toward their professional aspirations. We understand that career choices play a pivotal role in shaping the future of young individuals in Uganda.

          Project Objectives:

          1. Informed Decision-Making:

            Empower adolescents with accurate information and tools to make well-informed career decisions aligned with their strengths and passions.

          2. Skill Enhancement:

            Provide training and workshops to enhance essential job readiness skills, including communication, problem-solving, and teamwork.

          3. Access to Opportunities:

            Connect adolescents with internship, apprenticeship, and mentorship opportunities that provide real-world experience in their desired fields.

          4. Personal Growth:

            Foster personal development and self-awareness to enable adolescents to set realistic goals and work towards achieving them.

          5. Future Planning:

            Assist adolescents in developing clear and achievable career plans for both short-term and long-term goals.

          Program Components:

          1. Career Assessments: Conduct assessments to identify adolescents' strengths, interests, and aptitudes, helping them discover potential career paths.

          2. Skills Workshops: Offer interactive workshops on resume building, interview skills, effective communication, and other crucial skills needed for successful career entry.

          3. Career Exploration: Organize career fairs that provide adolescents the chance to interact with professionals, explore diverse industries, and learn about various career paths.

          4. Mentorship Programs: Establish a mentorship initiative where adolescents are paired with professionals from their desired career fields, receiving guidance and insights.

          5. Internship and Apprenticeship Placements: Facilitate connections between adolescents and organizations offering internship and apprenticeship opportunities.

          Expected Outcomes:

          • Increased awareness of diverse career options and pathways among adolescents.

          • Enhanced job readiness skills, improving adolescents' prospects for successful entry into the workforce.

          • Access to practical experience through internships and apprenticeships, contributing to career growth.

          • Empowered adolescents with clear career plans and the confidence to pursue their goals.

          Why It Matters:Empowering adolescents with the skills and resources needed for successful career choices is crucial in ensuring their future success. Our Career Guidance Project aims to provide young individuals with the guidance, knowledge, and practical experience necessary to confidently pursue their dream careers.

          At Psych Care Uganda, we believe that by investing in the career development of adolescents, we are investing in a brighter future for both individuals and the community.

            Projects: Projects
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